
HDC Website Overview

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HDC Website Overview
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The Hayward Dance Club (HDC) website is a dynamic database driven club information and management application. It provides basic information to members and prospective guests like a typical website. It also provides a lot of club self-service features to reduce the administrative effort by the dance advisor, treasurer, and other board members for the logistics of planning and executing a dance event.

And, since we are a social dance club, we want to make it easier to get to know more about our fellow members and guests and make it easier to invite more dancers to join us.

Each member and guest is given a login account with a specific level of privileges on the website. (more details at the login overview). Once logged in, members will see many functional option links in the top purple navigation banner at the top of each page including:

  • Add User: Where you add basic contact information to someone we want to participate in our dance events.
  • Attendance: Where you sign up for a table and entree for a dance event. You can also see who has already signed up and who has not signed up to nudge our friends to get the dance on their calendars and pick a table.
  • Event Calendar: List dates, brochures, photos for dance events.
  • FAQ: Frequently asked questions and status updates.
  • Feedback: Form for getting help, asking questions of the webmaster and/or board of directors.
  • Members: Roster about our membership.
  • My Info: Updating your contact information for the directory. We want you to be in charge of how much information you want to share and with whom, more details about that on the help pages discussing access and privacy.
  • My Preferences: Update your wishes about getting the newsletter, receiving emails, and sharing contact info.
  • People 411: Look up information about members, guests, and staff. (The management of that is discussed under privacy.)
  • Roles: Who is doing what in service to the club, including the board of directors.
  • Surveys: Any current or past surveys.
  • Table Reservations: After registering for a dance, you can see who is sitting where and change your table seating.

Each of the links takes you to a page where you can query and list information about the club and our events, and sometimes update information about you. Remember that this is all to make being a member of the club more fun and to enhance getting to know, enjoy, and ease the things we like to do most: getting together, socializing, and dancing. If anything is confusing or overwhelming, click on the Feedback link in the upper purple navigation bar and Jerry Bowes, our Webmaster and Membership Director will get back to you to help.

Questions, feedback, or website issues; please let us know by filling out the feedback form or emailing Webmaster.
Last Modified: November 09 2023 @ 13:26 PST